Monday, September 30, 2019
Personality Theory: Albert Bandura & Carl Rogers Essay
Personality is an intriguing component in psychology vital for the perception of human beings. Understanding and defining personality has proven to be a difficult task. It is so complex, in fact, that no single theory can adequately define it. If one was to ask an ordinary individual to do so, some of the most common answers might be â€Å"a person’s characteristics†or â€Å"the impression (s) one makes on others†. Personality Theorists on the other hand view personality as the essence of the person, the individual’s true inner nature (Rathus, 2004). According to Carver and Scheier (2000), â€Å"Personality is a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that create a person’s characteristic patterns of behaviour, thoughts, and feelings†(p.5). For this assignment the assumptions of the Social-Cognitive and Humanistic theoretical paradigms of personality will be applied to evaluate the personality of the case study, M yesha. It will also discuss personality tests- methods/instruments, used to measure whether people are sad, glad or bad and how people with certain personality traits respond to life’s demand. Before one can begin to understand and assess this individual’s personality, it is important to briefly review the Social-Cognitive and Humanistic theories of personality with their respective theorists such as Albert Bandura and for the Humanistic approach, Carl Rogers. According to Passer & Smith (2007), social cognitive theory is a perspective that was developed by Albert Bandura. It â€Å"combines the behavioural and cognitive perspectives into an approach to personality that stresses the interaction of a thinking human with a social environment that provides learning experiences†(p.467). It is proposed that an individual’s thoughts and actions originate in the social world and there is the capacity for self regulation and to engage in active cognitive processes (Bandu ra, 1999). The humanistic or phenomenological theories of personality view humans as innately good. Emphasis is placed on individual experiences, relationships and ways of understanding the world. Human nature includes a natural drive towards personal growth. We as humans have the ability to choose what we do regardless of environment and humans are pretty much conscious beings. We are not controlled by unconscious needs and conflicts (Engler, 2008). According to Rogers (1951) individuals possess the innate ability to know what is important to them, what is essential for a more fulfilling life. This is known as an Organismic Valuing Process. Myesha demonstrated this as she wanted to study Literatures in English, while her mother wanted her to follow in her stepfather’s footsteps and study Law instead. Rogers would have stated at this point that Myesha went against her Organismic Valuing Process and conformed to her mother’s wishes by studying Law. When significant others in an individual’s world, ( in Myesha’s case; her parents), provide positive regard that is conditional, rather than unconditional, the individual introjects the desired values, making them ones own, thus they acquire â€Å"conditions of worth†(Engler, 2008). As a result, the self concept becomes based on these standards of value, rather than on the organismic evaluation. According to Bandura (1978), while assessing an individual’s behavior, there are three interactional processes to consider; the person, the individual’s behaviour and the environmental setting. These factors all operate as interlocking determinants of each other and â€Å"it is largely through their actions that people produce the environmental conditions that affect their behavior in a reciprocal fashion†(Funder & Ozer, 2001, p.461) (see Appendix 1). This process involves a triadic reciprocal interaction rather than a dyadic conjoint or a dyadic bi directional one (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). For instance Myesha quickly realized that Law was not for her. She considered dropping out of the University as she had gotten involved with a spoken word group around this time. As a result, her stepfather threatened to stop supporting her if she dropped out and this placed a strain on family relationships. These are all factors of cause and effect, which are influencing each other. Bandura views Myesha as an agentic operator in her life. He would believe that she has the capability to intentionally make things happen by her actions and that she is not an â€Å"onlooking host of internal mechanisms orchestrated by environmental events†(Bandura, 2001, p.2). Individuals are sentient agents of experiences rather than simply undergoers of experience. The sensory motor and cerebral systems are tools people use to accomplish the tasks and goals that give meaning and direction in their lives (Harrà © & Gillet 1994). Carl Rogers also agrees to some degree with Bandura, in the belief that the environment also affects us and the people in our environment determine what our behavior will be like (Pervin, Cervone & John, 2005). He also believes that her experience in the spoken word group can have an impact on her personal growth and individual experiences. The belief is that Myesha’s experiences are unique, and that her perception of the world is critical to understanding and achieving a particular behavior that would be identical to her becoming a self-actualized individual (Gladding, 2004; Engler, 2008). Social cognitive theory maintains that most human behaviour is self-regulated. Through cumulative direct and vicarious experience, people develop performance standards that they use to evaluate their own behaviour. Almost constantly the person compares what he or she does in a situation with some performance standard (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). According to Bandura (1974), these standards are prescribed by socialization agents and parents who define the conduct worthy of reward. Responses from these individuals are either negative or positive based on the valued levels. For example, if performance is achieved or exceeds the standards, an individual’s parents may react in a positive manner towards the child. This child will experience intrinsic reinforcement. On the other hand if performance falls short of a standard, the person experiences intrinsic punishment, as a result of the negative reaction exhibited by one’s parents, social agents or ones self (Hergenhan & Olson, 1999). Although Myesha seemed to be able to manage her performance in the Law programme, her decision not to attend her class presentation may be viewed as a form of intrinsic punishment. Bandura and Kupers (1964) for example, found that children, exposed to models who set high performance standards, reinforced themselves only for superior performance, whereas children, exposed to models accepting minimal performance standards, reinforced themselves for minimal performance. It would be expected then that relevant people in a child’s life, for instance parents, siblings and peers, would have a profound influence on the development of a child’s performance standards. We see that Myesha’s success as a straight ‘A’ student throughout primary school transitioned to a declining performance upon entering secondary school. Additionally, we need to consider her family relationship as a contributing factor. At this time, her brother was considered the favourite by her mother and stepfather. Additionally, performance standards must be realistic. In other words, if they are too lenient, they will be too easily met, and little, if any, self-reinforcement will result from performing in accordance with them (Bandura 1974). If they are too stringent, one will experience frustration or worse. In Myesha’s case, her stepfather threatened to withdraw financial support if she dropped out of the Law programme and this further caused their relationship to become strained. Her brother’s attitude was negative and her mother became depressed. Bandura (1986) says, â€Å"In its more extreme forms, harsh standards for self-evaluation give rise to depressive reactions, chronic discouragement, feelings of worthlessness, and lack of purposefulness†. According to Hergenhan and Olson (1999), Bandura observed among the mechanisms of personal agency, none is more central or pervasive than people’s beliefs about their capabilities to exercise control over events that a ffect their lives. Self-efficacy refers to what a person is actually capable of doing, that is, belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations (Bandura, 1994). This is known as perceived self efficacy (Bandura, in press, p. 2). According to Pajares (1996), these beliefs of personal competence effect behaviour in several ways as they influence the choices individuals make and the courses of action they pursue (544). Individuals engage in tasks in which they feel competent and confident and avoid those in which they do not. This was exhibited by Myesha with her spoken word group becoming very popular on the local scene. At this point, according to Bandura, Myesha has a high self esteem and a high self efficacy, as she enjoys performing with her group (Pervin et al., 2005). In contrast, she considers dropping out of the Law programme, as it is something that she does not enjoy, but is still capable of doing. She knew the material for her presentation, but Myesha still skipped it. In doing so, she exhibited a high self esteem, because she knew the work and yet at the same time, she possessed a low sense of self efficacy, as she was unable to achieve a high grade on the presentation as she found it difficult to think about it. Rogers (as cited in Barone, Hersen, Vincent & Hasselt, 2004) stated, an organism functions to maintain consistency among self perceptions and congruence between perceptions of the self and experiences. According to Lecky (as cited in Swann, Griffin, Predmore & Gaines, 1987), self conceptions are important for survival because they enable individuals to predict and control the nature of social reality. Thus â€Å"individuals are therefore motivated to preserve their self views which they do by thinking and behaving in ways that perpetuate their conceptions of self†which was demonstrated by Myesha when she skipped the presentation (Swann, Griffin, Predmore & Gaines, 1987 ,p.881). Rogers states however that if Myesha continues to participate in the spoken word group she is more likely to achieve her â€Å"ideal self†in agreement with the result shown from Bandura’s High self efficacy (Friedman & Schustack, 2008). The humanistic or phenomenological, theories of personality suggest that she should have a positive and optimistic view of her behaviour and she should take life into her own hands and stop doing law which is making her unhappy. She should continue being involved with her spoken word group which she is successful at. Then being able to finance herself in the degree she wants to do as she is old enough to do so (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). According to Pervin et al. (2005), â€Å"Bandura believes that social and economic conditions influence individual’s beliefs about their ability to influence events†(p.419). In the case study Myesha’s emotional ties to her family along with her step father threatening to withdraw his financial support led her to continue with the Law programme. In contrast Rogers (as cited in Kahn & Rachman, 2000), views Myesha’s decision to continue with the Law programme as a need for positive regard, which is acceptance, peace and financial support from her family. Myesha’s decision is also an indication that the conditions of worth still exists. However based on Roger’s conditional positive regard, she is bending herself out of shape to please her family (Schultz & Schultz, 2008). Experiences in accordance with these conditions are perceived and symbolized accurately in awareness, while those that are not are denied and distorted into awareness, which may lead to incongruence between the self as perceived and the actual experience of the individual, also resulting in possible tension, confusion and maladaptive behaviour (Pervin, Cervone & John, 2005). These said experiences can be perceived as threatening by an organism without conscious awareness, utilizing a process known as subception, which is a form of discrimination without awareness that can result in anxiety. This was displayed when Myesha thrashed in bed, sweating and her heart pounding the night before she was to do the presentation (Barone et al., 2004). Carl Roger proposed that Myesha is living in the here and now as she is involved with the spoken word group which she enjoys. This is what he calls existential living, which is on the basis that the present is the only reality that one has. Social cognitive theory disagrees with this notion in that â€Å"a primary determinant in an individual’s actions and emotions is in ones expectations about the future†(Pervin et al., 2005, p. 425). Organisms possess expectancies regarding topics such as behaviour of others, the rewards or punishments that may follow a certain type of behaviour, or an indvidual’s ability to handle stress and challenges. It is this system of thoughts about the future that constitutes the person’s expectations. In the case of Myesha, she felt an immediate sense of relief when she played truant and did not take part in the presentation, she also felt guilty and worried over the consequences of her failure (Pervin et al., 2005). Recommended Instruments to assess Myesha’s personality When one speaks of personality assignment in psychology, activities include the diagnosis of mental illness, prediction of behaviour, measurement of unconscious processes and quantification of interpersonal styles and tendencies. Although all of these descriptions may be true for different clinicians working with various client groups, this listing may not accurately capture the full range of modern personality assessment. Personality assessment therefore is a complex clinical enterprise where the tools of assessment are used in concert with data from referring providers, such as, clients, families, schools, courts and other influential sources (). In order to assess Myesha’s personality, we should briefly look at her perceived self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is defined as a person’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. Such beliefs produce these diverse effects through four major processes (Betz, Klein & Taylor, 1996). They include cognitive, motivational, affective and selection processes. We see that Myesha’s struggle to choose a career, has affect on her self-efficacy. Therefore, it is suggested that we measure her personality using the ‘Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale’ (CDSE). The CDMSE is a well-developed construct. Hackett and Betz (1981), were the first to apply Bandura’s (1977) propositions about self-efficacy to career behaviour in a seminal study of women’s career development. They demonstrated that career decisions, achievements and adjustment behaviours were subject to the influence of self-efficacy beliefs in both men and women. Taylor and Betz (1983) developed the Career Decision-making Self-efficacy (CDMSE) scale to measure these self-efficacy expectations, in terms of goal selection, occupational information, problem solving, planning, and self-appraisal. In the process, Taylor and Betz demonstrated that participants with lower levels of efficacy for decision-making were also more undecided. Another instrument that will be used to assess Myesha’s personality is the Q-Sort. The Q-Sort is a technique used by humanistic theorists such as Carl Rogers, to measure the self concept of an individual (Hergenhan and Olson, 1999). The Q-Sort assessment was developed by Stephenson (1953). This assessment was used to help individuals to differentiate between the ideal self and the concepts of the self, since human beings struggle with the concepts of who they really are as Myesha exhibited in the case study (Barone, Hersen,Vincent & Hasselt, 2004). The Q-Sort consists of a deck of 100 cards, each containing fairly specific characteristic statements within an individual’s personality such as â€Å"detail oriented†or â€Å"high self-esteem†(see Appendix 2). Since the individual chooses the cards this enables the psychologists conducting the assessment to have some control in the results of the assessment and to find the origin of Myesha’s behaviour, also defining what they want to know. The goal of this assessment is to determine where a person is at, relative to these qualities, at the beginning of treatment and then to re-assess at various intervals and at the end to determine progress (Engler, 2008). As the name indicates, Myesha will have to sort the cards in accordance to what she believes are her characteristics and place them in categories. This will enable Myesha and the tester to be able to see the differences and discrepancies between the real and ideal self as well as examine and highlight the level of self esteem. Meysha’s real self will reflect immediate circumstances, experiences and self characterization, while her ideal self should enable her to relate to the future by setting goals to which she would aspire, rather than goals that others want her to obtain. This technique is often best used on students. Myesha is a student and this assessment will indicate how empathy, conditional positive regard and genuineness have played a role in her personal growth. This will enable the psychologists to help her to come to some realization of who she is and how to work towards who she needs to be. These two instruments will allow Myesha to have an understanding of who she is and this should also enable her to successfully cope with, or eliminate, her anxiety as she strives towards her future goals. References Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy, Encyclopedia of human behavior. Academic Press, 4, 77-81 Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Bandura, A., & Kupers, C. J. (1964). Transmission of patterns of self-reinforcement through modelling. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 69, 1-9 Bandura, A (1999). A social cognitive theory of personality. Retrieved on 12th Feb 2010 Bandura, A. (2001) Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective. Annual Review of Psychology. 52, 1-26. Bandura, A. (in press). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Bandura, A. (1974). The case of the Mistaken Dependent Variable. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83 (3), 301-303. Bandura, A. (1978). The Self System in Reciprocal Determinism. American Psychological Association, 33 (4), 344 – 358. Barone,F. D., Hersen,V., B, V., & Hasselt, V.( 2004). Advanced Personality (1st Ed). Springer. Betz, N., & Hackett, G. (1981). The relationship of career-related self-efficacy expectations to perceived career options in college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 399-410. Betz, N. E., Klein, K., Taylor, K. M. (1996). Evaluation of a short form of the Career Decision- Making Self-Efficacy scale. Journal of Career Assessment, 4, 47-57. Carver,C.S and Scheier,M.F. (2000).Perspectives on personality (4th Ed.)Allyn and Bacon. Engler, B. (2008). Personality Theories (8th Ed). Wadsworth Publishing. Friedman, S. H., & Schustack, W. M. (2008). Personality Classic Theories and Modern Research (4th Ed). Allyn & Bacon. Funder , C. D., & Ozer, J. D. (2001). Pieces of The Personality Puzzle (2nd Ed). Norton and Company Inc. Gladding, T. S, (2000). Counseling: A Comprehensive profession (4th Ed). Prentice Hall, Inc. Harrà ©, R., & Gillet, G. (1994). The discursive mind. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage. Hergenhan, B.R., Olson, M. H. (1999). An introduction to theories of personality. 5th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Pajares, F. (1996). Self efficacy beliefs in academic settings. Review of Educational Research, 66 (4), 543-578. Passer, W. M., & Smith, E. R. (2007). Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior (3rd Ed). McGraw Hill. Pervin, A. L., Cervone, D., & john, P.O. (2005). Personality Theory and Research (Eds). John Wiley. Rathus, A.S. (2004). Psychology Concepts and Connections. New York: Thomson Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client-centered therapy: Its current practice, implications,and theory. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Schultz, P. D., & Schultz, E. S. (2008). Theories of Persoanlity (9th Ed). Wadworth Publishing. Swann, B. W.,Griffin, J. J., Predmore, C. C., & Gaines, B. (1987). The cognitive affect crossfire: When self-consistency confronts self-enhancement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Taylor, K., & Betz, N. (1983). Applications of self efficacy theory to understanding the treatment of career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 22, 63-81.
A Chance to Change Something in My Country Essay
If I have a chance to change something in my country – India, then I would suggest increasing green areas in the country by planting more trees. Planting more trees helps the country in many ways. They not only give clean and fresh air to the country but also nice parks for the people. Trees and plants give clean and fresh air. Most of the cities in India are highly polluted. Pollution causes many diseases to the people. I have seen many of my friends suffering from allergies and breathing problems due to high pollution. So it is high time for us to take necessary steps to protect people from pollution. Planting more trees and plants in these cities helps people to get clean air and pollution less environment to live. People destruct forests to materialize the various forest resources like wood from the trees, medicinal plants, animals etc. Due to forest destruction, most of the animal breeds lost their place to live. This in turn has resulted in loss of many animal breeds. Increase in green areas will definitely help the animals for a place to live. Planting more trees also give nice parks for the people. Parks will be a good place for the people to pass their free time, to relax in a natural environment, to get along with the friends, to play and enjoy the nature. They can also be made as tourist destination. Many places in India are suffering due to insufficient rain and water. Growing more trees especially in these areas will help in more rain and weather control. For the above said main reasons, I would suggest to increase the green areas in my country.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Persusive Essay
Persuasive Essay I believe Margaret Drabble’s statement, â€Å"Our desire to conform is greater than our respect for objective facts,†to be quite true. Throughout history, people of all ages have wanted to be accepted and belong to a group rather than look at the facts and measure what is true and false. It is very evident in our society today that not only do we want to be accepted and belong, but we also are willing to do whatever it takes, no matter what the consequences turn out to be. I agree with Drabble’s statement and believe that it is true all around the world.If you were to step outside our society and look back at it objectively, I can assure you that you would see evidence of this. No matter what age, gender, or ethnicity, people are always going to have the desire to fit in with and belong to a certain clique or group of people. From my observations, people are willing to do almost anything if it means that they will feel like they belong somewhere , no matter what the facts are. Gang membership is an extreme, but valid, case. To be initiated into a gang, you must look beyond the facts and consequences of what could happen to you, and do whatever it takes to get in.This could involve taking a person’s life, robbing a store, or doing other illegal things, but if it means becoming part of a â€Å"family,†as the leaders call it, or just getting the same tattoo as everyone else, then many people are willing to take the risk and do it. Today, a lot of young people brush aside the fact that they could end up facing serious criminal charges and spend the rest of their lives in jail. They seem heedless not only about the immorality of taking a life, but also about how they are ruining their own lives. They are often aware of the facts, but choose not to listen.Gang leaders tend to manipulate the minds of those wanting to join a gang into thinking that nothing bad could happen to them if they were to become part of the à ¢â‚¬Å"family. †Often, only former gang members have the â€Å"street cred†to get through to potential gang members concerning what they are getting into. Any objective observer of the situation could easily point out the dire consequences, but only a limited number of people have even a small chance of deterring potential gang members. To feel part of a clique or group can be a great feeling and that is usually why we do what we do in the first place.I am convinced that not a lot of people can really say that they have never felt this way before. We are taught at a young age to resist peer pressure and to say no, but as we grow up it gets harder and harder, especially during the teenage years when, if you do not do as everyone else does, then you will face discrimination. High school is one of the places where this happens everyday. I can say from first-hand experience that I used to be one of those people who were willing to do whatever it took in order to feel like I belonged.Many kids are aware of the facts about what lies ahead, but just choose to ignore them because of feeling the desire to be accepted at all costs. If kids are given the option to stay at home Saturday night and study for a test or go out to a party where the most popular kids will be, most will choose the party. It does not matter that Sunday morning the chances of having a hangover and not studying for a huge test on Monday are very likely. What matters to most kids is that they want their names on the list when everyone talks on Monday about who went to the party.Whether we, as teenagers, want to believe it or not, if there is a party, then to feel popular and accepted into the group, we will want to go. We will want to go to have fun and be with our friends, but the greater factor in our decision is that on Monday morning everyone will be talking about who went and who did not. Objective facts do not deter us. People in our society today are so obsessed with being perfe ct and fitting in that very few step back to realize many of us are doing things that we will someday regret.Drabble’s statement applies to women trying to gain â€Å"the perfect figure. †Today, the perfect shape is to be model thin, which translates to dress sizes of 00-2. Each and every day, women all around the United States starve themselves and become anorexic to fit into society’s image of how a perfect woman should look. These women believe that no one will like them if their body does not look like that of a runway model and, therefore, they do whatever it takes, no matter how serious or life threatening the consequences are.Any objective observer could tell these women that they are morbidly thin, yet the women see themselves as overweight. Many women hear about the consequences of becoming anorexic or bulimic, but, at the end of the day, the majority still choose trying to meet societal expectations over their own health. Many would deny that they are flying in the face of objective fact, but when it comes down to it, no matter how harsh or life threatening the consequences, many people will o anything to experience the unity within a group or cliqueâ€â€from gang membership, to being part of the â€Å"in†crowd, to actually starving to death to match an image. We need to take a step back and realize what we are doing to ourselves and that there is more in life than just pleasing others and trying to fit in. I believe that Drabble’s statement will continue to be true unless we reach a time when everyone recognizes that we should not have to sacrifice objectivity to feel united.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The synthetic opiate Desomorphine also known as Krokodil Research Paper
The synthetic opiate Desomorphine also known as Krokodil - Research Paper Example Due to its pharmacologic traits, desomorphine displays an increased potential of causing high dependence. Against the backdrop of initial possible cases of Krokodil use in Western Europe, it is imperative to provide information regarding the grave effects of Krokodil (Gahr, et al. 860). Desomorphine (C17H21NO2), known as dihydrodesoxymorphine was first synthesized in 1932 in United States of America. The objective of this synthesis was aimed at providing an alternative to morphine in terms of addiction properties, tolerance an enhanced side effect profile. Conversely, desomorphine was unable to achieve the set objectives. On the contrary, this synthetic opiate portrayed amplified dependence potential in comparison to morphine. Research on this drug have indicate that its analgesic potency is between 8 to 10 times higher that that of morphine. Additionally, desomorphine shows a rapid onset of action and a shorter half-life in terms of elimination. Such properties of desomorphine may account for the elevated addictive potential in contrast to morphine (Veilleux, et al 161). In the recent past, there have been drastic occurrences in the number of cases in abuse of synthetic narcotics that are produced by handicraft techniques from codeine containing medicines. Various over the counter tablets and drugs supplied at cost friendly prices can be used for the synthesis of such synthetic opiates. These codeine containing drugs are exemplified by commercial names such as Codelac, Sedal-M and Codterpin. The total amount of codeine in such medicines is in the range of 8-10 milligrams. Systematically referred to as 4, 5-ÃŽ ±-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3-ol, desomorphine is obtained from codeine containing tablets with the use of phosphorus and iodine. In comparison to codeine itself, this synthetic derivative shows significant strength on impact to the body. Major drawbacks are encountered in the descriptions of possible byproducts in
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Investment in the Fashion Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Investment in the Fashion Industry - Essay Example The paper "Investment in the Fashion Industry" explores the fashion and investment in this industry. The opportunities are great although level of competition is tough. The area of Southampton has population of less than 2millions, but the potential buyers are more than 80percent of the population. The female population of the area is 52percent, whereas the teenagers comprise of more than 34percent of the entire population, and population of kids below 10yrs consists of 28percent. Significant percentage of the population can be regarded as the potential buyer within this region of Southampton. The fashion industry of Southampton has potential based upon financial standing of its population. More than 70percent of the population are working class, whereas 20percent of the population is involved in business related activities, however the remaining population is retired class and their earning is based upon pensions and public funds. The per capita income of this region is relatively b etter than other parts of United Kingdom, and the local population is attuned to contemporary customs and fashion. The region is therefore considered to be ideal for the investment in fashion industry, however risk does prevail. The risks associated with the investment are mainly related with the ongoing economic recession, the purchasing power of the local population has reduced, and people are reluctant to invest towards non-returnable and non-profitable items. The negative aspect of this investment is the profession itself., the fashion is considered to be commodity which can be sold but never re-sold. The fashion is consumer product, it is not business or commercial commodity which has re-sale in the market, the customer can never expect to make profit by investing in fashion consumables. The ongoing economic turmoil has therefore cautioned the public about their spending and savings. The unemployment in United Kingdom is expected to reach record high level, and it will take yea rs to create more earning opportunities for the public because the government savings and profit returns are restricted (Harald, 2000). PEST Analysis on Industry Political Analysis 1. The deregulation in the European market launched by the European Union created hindrances for the fashion industry. The industry has been accused of excessive profit margins, and labour law violations. 2. The stand of European Union has caused implication for the fashion industry within United Kingdom; the fashion industry therefore found it difficult to continue with the implementation of high tax cuts. 3. The restrictions imposed by the European Union offered opportunities to the remaining companies of the fashion industry, therefore the market shares of the rival fashion units increased significantly. Economic Analysis: 1. Fashion industry worldwide in general has played a central role in stirring the growth of the world economy. 2. In the current scenario the major concern for the industry comes from the rising tax cuts and ongoing economic turmoil. 3. In the midst of such economic crisis, the imposition from the European Union has reduced the profit making figures for the fashion units. 4. The financial penalties have halted the commercial activities of the company; unfortunately the company seldom enjoy enough revenue which can be utilized for such purpose. 5. The banking and financial institutes shall be referred for financial borrowing, and the credit facility shall be thoroughly evaluated with special emphasis upon the interest rate. 6. It is important for the company to evaluate the purchasing power of the customers inside Southampton. The economic power of the
Self Evaluation Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Self Evaluation - Personal Statement Example Moreover, daily newspapers and magazines contain news and articles about people from all over the world indicating people’s culture across the globe. Internet Internet is the best and fastest source of any type of information across the globe. Just a single query in search engines can give you an insight into any type of culture in a few seconds. Satellite Channels Satellite channels all over the world can be seen in one country. Dramas, cooking show, news channels, and documentary programs on channels such as national geographic, animal planet, discovery etc. help you increase your cultural knowledge. People Interaction The more you interact with people of different cultures, the more knowledge you gain about their traditions, religious activities, habits, language etc. Whether you are living with them or working with people of diverse cultures, you gain sufficient information about their culture with the passage of time. 2. How would you handle a management issue in your organization that stems from a cultural dispute? As the time is moving towards making this place a global village, people from third world countries are moving towards progressed countries in search of a better job and better future. This results not only in providing sufficient workforce to such countries but also results in the formation of organizations with people belonging to different cultures and traditions. To manage the workforce in such an organization is a very challenging task as it requires you to get sufficient information about all people’s cultures and traditions. If a management issue arises in an organization because of the cultural differences, it should be handled carefully. Whenever a worker joins the company, he should be informed about the general rules and policies of the company. Moreover, the manager should have knowledge about the person’s culture that would help deal with him in the future. Now whenever a problem arises due to cultural dispu te, the manager should first analyze that he should provide the solution that does not conflict with the company’s policies. For example, if a company has a certain policy for giving no more than a one day leave near the project’s deadline then the manager cannot give an employee more than one holiday. The manager should find out a solution that is based on justice. He should consider cultures of both parties and take their opinions separately. In the end, he should design a solution that is a medium way between the both party’s opinions and should be justified. 3. Should the same rules and policies apply the same to all people in a multinational, or should culture be taken into account when applying policies? The differences in the backgrounds can be problematic if you completely ignore people’s cultural values and traditions. Now the question arises whether the same policies should be applied to all people or should cultural diversity be taken into c onsideration? The answer is to choose the medium way. As far as performance and work is concerned, same policies should be designed for everyone. For example, dishonesty or shirking from work will result in punishment from the company’s side to every worker. Also, same rules of yearly leave will be applied to everyone. However, cultural differen
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Sociology and Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sociology and Class - Essay Example However the Marxist theory of racism bases racism on another interesting premise. The class conflict where as the Proletariat (the working classes mainly composed of the Black and ethnic minorities) will be suppressed by the Bourgeoisie (the ruling classes primarily composed of the White majority who will be economically stronger and thus in a position to marginalize the "proletariat" i.e. the Black minorities) Today the modern African American can be identified with the likes of Opera Winfrey and Barrack Obama, as well as highly educated Hollywood stars like Will Smith etc.This denotes a respectable status for them but academics like in the Article at hand are quick to point to the reality of the ghettos and poor uneducated members of the ethnicity who live on low pay differentials. From the Marxist sociological perspective these economic and wage differentials are responsible for the continuous racial tensions in states like Los Angeles which have a large number of minorities settled there.Most of this crime and disorder is based upon race and ethnicity. The current racial tension is not just the usual white-black conflict but now statistics show that the local African American Population feels economically threatened by the immigrants that come from Latin America. As the article notes the root of most of the violence and unemployment in the Ghettos is poverty and increased immigration. Things are further complicated by racist judicial and law enforcement mechanisms which promote the gang culture and lure poverty stricken and suppressed young people into crime and disorder. The economic and sociological conflicts with in the "proletariat" (working classes) lead to ethnic squabbles between and with in the suppressed minorities in the over crowded metropolitan cities and it is worth noting from a political perspective that the black Latino rivalry for economic opportunities means that in 2008 presidential race there is not Latino support for Mr. Obama. Unemployment has caused a deterioration in race relations based on unequal wealth distribution and the fight for survival within the marginalized groups.As long as these minorities remain economically and socially suppressed there is little chance of reducing these tensions. There is a need for sustainable community measures to counter the problems in this area of racial economic conflict aimed at better race relations. All this however keeps us wondering whether these sociological conditions exist for their own sake or is the conflict theory " a Marxist ideological ploy" which divides the lower classes so that the White and Black and working classes from other races fight each other instead of the bourgeoisie.However one never fails to reflect on the political system and the society which seems to adhere to the well known rhetoric of George Orwell in his well known parody of the Communist Manifesto and the Marxist ideals of race and class i.e. the "Animal Farm" where he stated that , "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". Source: Materials provided in
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
On-Line BA Human Development Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
On-Line BA Human Development Degree - Essay Example I want to participate in the Human Development Online Degree Program because I want to continue learning and help people understand themselves. I have taken many online classes through community colleges and I have enjoyed this virtual paradigm educational approach since I am an independent learner. I want to use this virtual educational paradigm because it fits my style of learning versus the traditional educational setting that has been in existence for centuries. If we observe the patterns in history, the traditional educational system has had its flaws: absenteeism, illiteracy, behavioral problems, and, low scores in standardized tests performances. Through this virtual paradigm, I am able to work at a self-paced mode. I can work at any time of the day or night. Being able to work from home, gives me the opportunity to do my readings and assignments at my leisure. I am able to do the research using the various search engines, the institutions of higher learning also suggest websites that may accelerate the research process, and the professor and my classmates may recommend others. The virtual paradigm allows me to meet and work with classmates who may be geographically located at another part of the world. It gives us (professor and students) the opportunity to know about each other: cultures, customs, history, traditions, and idiomatic terms. It gives us the opportunity to share our differences and similarities. This exposure to people from other countries will hopefully make us more sensible and sensitive to other peoples ´ needs for satisfaction in educational endeavors. This will give us the opportunity to have contact wi th people that we may not ordinarily have when we live in small isolated locations. I will be able to make-up my own schedule to study and work on my assigned tasks; deliver the tasks on a particular date not necessarily on a particular day and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Research Paper Example It is also my job to become familiar with its structure and the steps necessary in forming a for-profit facility within a community of approximately 75,000 residents. My primary purpose is to define, develop, and to show how this facility can be set up to meet government regulations and requirements and to maximize profitability. One first needs to understand what exactly a primary care facility is and what are their functions. Primary care is a term used for health care services that play a major role in the local community. The term refers to work of health care professions who act as the first and primary point of consultation for its patients. The primary physician who comes in direct contact with the patients is usually a general practitioner or family physician. This is determined by location. In some instances the patient may opt to seek other means to self-determine the seriousness of their situation. Other health care professionals would be a pharmacist or maybe a nurse; thi s is more prevalent in the UK. The advantages to seeing these health care professionals are evident; they provide an immediate access and do not require an appointment. However, in some areas you would need to make an appointment to see a Nurse Practitioner. They would then make an assessment of the ailment or injury and refer the patient to a primary care physician or other care. Primary care in the existing facility involves a large range of health care. This includes all ages of patients, patients from all economic backgrounds as well as geographic origins. This could also include patients who want to maintain their own optimal health, mental health, social health, chronic physical ailments, acute chronic diseases, and including multiple chronic illnesses. Therefore, it is essential that a primary care physician possess a wide range of knowledge in many areas. The physician will also maintain continuity. This is the key to the success of a primary care facility and its staff. Man y of its patients prefer to consult the same primary care doctor for routine check-ups, and many like to see the same doctor for new complaints as well. Many physicians also prefer to collaborate with other primary care providers. Therefore, continuity and collaboration are two of the primary care facilities’ characteristics. The existing primary care/urgency care facility sees all types of patients from children to old adults. It’s located in a small town of 75,000 people and the residents consist of many backgrounds. The facility is located in a median income area; therefore, the patients vary from high income, mid income and low income patients. The current primary care facility see patients with common chronic illnesses; these include hypertension, heart failure and angina, diabetes, asthma and COPD, depression and anxiety, back pain, arthritis, and thyroid dysfunction. The prime care patients also include injuries of all types, broken bones, sprains, burns, cuts, abrasions, and other injuries that need an immediate assessment. This urgent care facility as well as others owned by Norvant specializes in treating serious conditions that may or may not be life threatening. According to the National Association for Ambulatory Care, â€Å"urgent care facilities are ideal for minor injuries like broken bones, small burns, muscle sprains and ear infections.†But like any organization, they also suggest that you go to a Hospital
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Sexual discrimination Essay Example for Free
Sexual discrimination Essay Sexual discrimination still happens in the workplace even if it has been outlawed many years ago through the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2002). While a firm may not be expressly vocal about it, certain cultures prevail that snobs sexual diversity. Conley and OBarr put it that the pension funds and other financial services industries are among those that are generally intolerant to gays or lesbians. This is the dilemma facing George Campbell, an executive at financial advisory firm Kirkham McDowell Securities. George has to make a decision concerning one of its employees decision to bring his partner to a major company social event. Adam Lawson, a 29-year old associate at Kirkham, has been with the firm for two years. During this period, Adam has proven his mettle by bringing in lucrative businesses for the company, a fact that is to be acknowledged in Kirkhams silver anniversary banquet. Adam is gay and has been living with a lawyer for five years. He told George that he intends to bring Robert to the banquet. George is fearful of how the firms clients would react to the action and how it would impact the business reputation and its bottom line. Problem Identification In this situation, Georges main problem lies with how certain groups of people would react to homosexuality. First, senior management may not approve of Adam announcing to the entire assembly that he is gay. Being traditional, these people may think that being gay is unacceptable and this could hurt Adams career. Second, the companys clients include those that are also conservative and traditional, and Adams bringing of his partner to the banquet could cause them to bring their business to another firm. Third, George is worried that Adams coming out would negatively impact Kirkhams reputation in the industry. Georges fears are well founded. He knows the corporate culture as he has been with the company for many years. Even in other industries, openly supporting gay and lesbians could harm customer relationship. As example, McDonalds partnership with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has been met with criticisms from traditional sectors (The Traditional Values Coalition, 2008). This is the kind of issue that George wants to avoid. Supporting Facts, Assumptions and Analysis Workplace diversity is becoming the trend in many industries (McInnes, 2000). Even a conservative one such as the banking sector recognizes the benefits and advantages of encouraging and nurturing a diverse workforce. Bank of America has a very good diversity program in place that serves the company well. This is a fact that George Campbell should face with alacrity. This is an opportunity for the firm to be a catalyst of change in an industry that is discriminating to people because of their sexuality. By allowing Adam to bring Robert to the banquet, it would give Kirkham a reputation of being a fair employee. Treating its employees fairly translates to the company being fair in its other dealings, certainly a plus factor with any client. As Woods has said, choosing the ethical way would prove beneficial to the company in the long run. While George assumes the worst, he should not discount his own reaction to Adams disclosure. He did not find it repulsive to be working with a gay person. Taking this as an example, it is highly probable that their clients and the senior management would also have the open-mindedness to accept the fact and respect Adams private issues. Being a responsible manager, Georges consideration of all issues is called for. He is weighing the issue from all angles. But as Adam puts it, the matter wont be an issue if no one would make it so. Adams talking with George about it implies that he trusts the manager to be a fair and open-minded person. It also implies that Adam knows his worth as an employee and wants to be recognized and valued for his work and not because of his private life. Best Possible Solution The obvious solution to this problem is for George to support Adams decision. It would affirm Adams trust in him and lift the worry from the associates shoulders. It is high time for Kirkham to adapt to the changing dynamics in the workplace. Losey asserts that the best managers would take this action. Adam is a valuable asset to the company and Kirkham should not let his sexual orientation get in the way. Besides, Adams five-year partner is a respectable lawyer who could probably send clients their way. Also, if Adam wont be allowed to bring Robert, he would feel the discrimination deeply and this could result to his resignation from the company. Since Adam had come to Kirkham at 27, it is likely that he left his previous employer because of sexual discrimination. If this will be the ending, Adam could move to another company and bring with him his clients. Feasibility of Solution George is definitely taking a risk by openly supporting Adams sexuality. There are two probable results to the solution. The first one would make Georges fears come true. The firms most conservative clients would frown at the change and bring their business elsewhere. However, other firms could also be shifting their paradigms to embrace diversity, forcing the conservative clients to adapt. The second result would allay Georges fears. The clients would not mind dealing with a company that chooses to be legally and ethically correct. Should this happen, Kirkham would be bringing change not only to its offices but to other companies as well. Between the two, the second is more likely to happen as managers and companies understand the need to empower the workforce. One way of doing this is to encourage diversity in whatever form. The traditional and conservative clients may not be a hundred percent sold to the idea but it would be willing to tolerate a firm that produces good results.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Law Essays Land Registration Act
Law Essays Land Registration Act Land Registration Act Question one: Building that has been sub-divided into four substantial office suites. For the purpose of letting these four suites of offices, and while he is In Australia on a six month holiday, he appoints Florence as his agent and gives her full authority to enter into any agreement for these purposes. Florence then enters into the following agreements on Sebastians behalf: (i) an oral agreement granting a lease of office no.1 to Dougal for a period of three years taking effect in possession and at a monthly rent which is the market rent for that suite of offices (without taking a fine or premium for the lease); (ii) a written agreement for a lease of office no.2 to Zebedee for a period of five years taking effect in possession but at a monthly rent which is only three quarters of the market rent for the offices in question albeit in the written agreement Zebedee has covenanted not to use office no.2 for any illegal or immoral purposes. Sebastian has recently returned from Australia and is disappointed with Florences efforts. Dougal has not paid any rent for the last four months and has apparently sub-let part of office no.1 to Ermintrude. Zebedee, on the other hand, having paid monthly rent and on time, is now using office no.2 for the purpose of publishing pornographic literature. Advise Sebastian as to his remedies against Dougal, Ermintrude and Zebedee500. In order to determine if any person has any equitable or legal rights over Sebastian one has to consider if it is capable of being an equitable or legal interest. The first consideration under 1(1)(a) is that for there to be a legal interest it has to be an estate in fee simple absolute in possession and (b) A term of years absolute. The second consideration is under 1(2) which identifies only those interests which can be legal interest, which includes such examples as a legal lease of which both leases are. The first question is whether Sebastian is bound by the leases created by Florence. The first note to make is that Sebastian has allowed Florence to act as his personal representative therefore all leases that are valid are binding. All the leases could be binding with extra protection if it was a case of residential accommodation under Street v Mountford where the only circumstances are that residential accommodation is offered and accepted with exclusive possession for a term at rent, the result is a tenancy The courts will, save in exceptional circumstances; only to be concerned to inquire whether as a result of an agreement relating to residential accommodation the occupier is a lodger or a tenant.In this case it is a business tenancy; however as Florence have concluded it as a tenancy not a license then it is a legal tenancy between these the parties, unless exceptions apply. Does this tenancy hold all the protections of the law, as it would be classed as a legal estate as it is for set period of years absolute? If it is a legal estate then it should be enforceable against the world. However there is a problem when there are arrears or a clause of the tenancy is in directly violated, then it is more than likely that Sebastian is not bound. The first avenue is to determine if the tenancy breaches fall as an exception held under the Street v Mountford formula because a tenant in direct violation of a clause is an exception to this formula, as is a tenancy in arrears. These exceptional circumstances that have been defined as; occupancy under a contract for the sale of land; pursuant to an employment contract; holding of an office; the owner has no power of tenancy; there was no intention to create legal relations, e.g. family relationship or act of friendship. The sub-let to Ermitrude falls under this category though, because Dougal has no power of tenancy and Sebastian can start the eviction process. Also Dougal can be evicted on the basis that he has not paid his rent for four months and like a repossession of a house in respect to mortgages the owner can take possession through re-entry. Finally the lease that Zebedee holds has been breached through the publication of pornographic material, under contract law this would mean that the lease is breached and eviction proceedings can occur; however the question falls on whether this is a fair contract term. If the court determines it is not then the lease will stand, if it is considered fair then the lease will be breached and re-entry can occur. If Zebedees lease stands Sebastian would have to uphold the lease and seek remedy for any losses through Florence on both counts. Question two: The biggest crack in the mirror principle, upon which the system of registered land is based, is created by the interests which override. Critically evaluate this statement in the light of the Land Registration Act 2002500. The decision was made not reform overriding interests as suggested by the law commission, rather parliament decided to phase out archaic rights and create two schedules dealing with overriding interests. Schedule 1 deals with overriding interests that will remain to be binding, which includes actual occupation. Therefore it seems that problems discussed are still very real; however Schedule 3 deals with the limitations on certain overriding interests listed in Schedule 1 and one of these are the actual occupation interests. The limitations that are most important to this discussion on the interest succeeding are in respect to those where inquiry has been made and that individual has failed to disclose; and those individuals who are not in obvious occupation on careful inspection. Therefore this would cause significant problems with the cases of Chhokar, Cheshire Homes and Tizard because at the point of sale and enquiry there was no obvious proof of actual occupation. The case of Chho kar in the interests of equity may have the same outcome post-2002 as both the seller and buyer were acting fraudulently to sell the house without Mrs. Chhokars knowledge whilst she was on holiday; however under normal circumstances if the buyer was without fraudulent motive and the husband had hidden her occupation this would result in an inequity under the new law. Therefore this will cause major problems with the 2002 act and the rights of actual occupation. As well as ensuring that the law is predictable, i.e. the law is like a mirror, like cases equal like treatment and outcomes. The actual law therefore has tried to deal with the suggested changes of the Law Commission, as well as considering the problems with registering all interests. Rather the numbers of interests that override have been reduced and it provides a manner in which subsequent purchasers and creditors have not been bound. In respect to the notion of actual possession the law has been defined, whereby if possession is not apparent on a reasonable exploration of the property there is no possession. This would be interesting if one considers the case of Malory v Cheshire Homes Ltd this has caused an interesting problem, because the Court of Appeal held that there could be actual possession of vacant land; however how can one explore vacant land and find a reasonable circumstances of possession? This decision by the Court of Appeal is contrary to the LRA 2002, which was prior to its inception. The law reform has tried to balance out the problems with overriding interests, but is it enough to pro tect the buyer and those persons whom hold beneficial interest in property? The changes in respect to overriding interests have been minimal, the law reform has eliminated some of the obsolete interests but it has not properly cleared up the problem of occupiers rights. It has defined what actual occupation is but if this definition holds how would this have effected the case of Chhokar v Chhokar because Mrs Chhokar was not in physical occupation, but it would be unjust for Mr Chhokar and Mr Parmar to succeed in their unjust and fraudulent dealings; which goes against the purpose of overriding interests, which is to ensure fairness and justice. Therefore the uncertainty and confusion in this area will still be apparent and even if clarified injustices may occur. The question of clarity in the law may create uncertainty in the judicial arena, due creating injustices; therefore causing problems with the mirror principle of law. Bibliography: W. Ashburner (1933) Principles of Equity 2nd Edition, London, Butterworths Burn, 1998, Maudsley and Burns: Land Law Case and Materials 7th Edition, Butterworths Cheshire Burn (2000) The Modern Law of Real Property 16th Edition London, Butterworths R. Edwards N. Stockwell (2002) Trusts and Equity, Harlow England, Longman Goff Jones (1998) The Law of Restitution 5th Edition, London, Sweet Maxwell Hayton Marshall (1996) Commentary and Cases on the Law of Trusts and Equitable Remedies 10th Edition, London, Sweet Maxwell Heydon, Gummow Austin (1993) Cases and Materials on Equity Trusts 4th Edition, London, Butterworths Holdsworth (1974) History of English Law Vol. 17, London, Sweet Maxwell Jackson, 2003, Title by registration and concealed overriding interests: the cause and effect of antipathy to documentary proof, 119 LQR 660 Law Commission Report 271 The Lawyer, Real Estate: Land Registration Act 2002 the main changes, The Lawyer November 17th 2003, 31 Maitland (1936) Maitlands Equity 2nd Edition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press J. Martin (2001) Hanbury and Martin: Modern Equity 16th Edition, London, Sweet Maxwell Megarry Wade (2000) The Law of Real Property 6th Edition, London, Sweet Maxwell Meagher, Gummow Lehane (1992) Equity: Doctrines Remedies 3rd Edition, London, Butterworths Parker Mellows (1998) The Modern Law of Trusts 7th Edition, London, Sweet Maxwell Pettit (1997) Equity and the Law of Trusts 8th Edition, Croyden, Butterworths Tolley Riddell, 1997, Land Law, Butterworths L. Small R. Pain, 2003, Land Registration Act 2002, JJ 78(1) Snell (2000) Principles of Equity 30th Edition, London, Sweet Maxwell D.W.M Waters (1967) The Nature of Trust Beneficiarys Interest, 45 CBR 219-283 LRA 2002: Finance and Credit Law, 2003, Land Registration Act 2002, F CL 5.8(3) HM Stationary Office, Land Registration Act 2002, Chapter 9 of Explanatory Notes, at 118 119 can be found at: [1985] AC 809
Friday, September 20, 2019
Sustainable Future Alternative Energy Philosophy Essay
Sustainable Future Alternative Energy Philosophy Essay Research into a Sustainable Future or alternative energy has been going on for roughly 30 years. In the beginning some scientist were faced with challenges by others who deemed that their work was only for their geographic areas, and not really for the use of all mankind. Later, more rigidly controlled studies were approached to ensure that all of mankind would benefit from this research to prove that it is indeed useful for everyone and not just one general area. Other studies were conducted and it showed that some places needs more alternative energy than other place, such as poverty places compared to urban areas of America. Over the past 30 years, scientists have demonstrated that alternative energy (water, wind, steam, and heat) resemble fossil fuel abilities more than ever possible. Just how close that resemblance extends, however, has been a matter of some controversy. Scientists agree that they have acquired fairly valuable grounds to the success of alternative energy and artificial materials, but they have drawn quite different conclusions in addressing the following questions: In an influential article, Laughlin (2010) argued that alternative energy experiments were not just focused on a certain part or group of the world but rather the fact that it based on experiments done for the whole world in general. Laughlin and his colleagues at Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADD) did extensive research of the cost of alternative energy and conventional energy, and what this means for the world to shed light on much needed attention. In fact, funding for these experiments were provided by key stakeholders on a voluntary basis to show understanding on how the prices compared and what deals the people obtain such resources will be getting out of theses resources. In retrospect, the conclusions of Michael D. Laughlin seem to have been premature. Although some alternative energy and conventional energy studies had not been rigorously controlled to eliminate cuing, even as early as the production era of America, the down fall of the stock market has pushed all expensive to a semi-halt, with the increase of buying these energies (Alternative Energy, 2010). Since 2000, researchers have diligently guarded against cuing. Perhaps the evidence that renewable energy is merely a response to cues is that mankind is indeed using more energy than that can be reproduced. Like many of the renewable energy studied, many have been in use for long time and others are being experimented with, such as solar energy, wind turbine energy, water energy, and steam energy (Alternative Energy, 2010). At the Alternative Energy Institute (AEI) founded in 1977 at West Texas State University, Texas, USA, as an outgrowth of wind energy research begun in 1970. AEIs primary emphasis has been placed on wind energy, though certain research and education are also on solar energy. Recognized both nationally and internationally, AEI is proud to be the major information resource of wind energy for the State of Texas (Alternative Energy, 2010). Interesting fact is that this state is generally known for the gulf and all the oil production that goes on there and to see that this state is taking steps into wind turbines as an effort t o produce renewable energy is remarkable. The extent to which alternative energy and conventional energy spontaneously usage may depend on the amount of which it is being produced. Laughlin has been informing many around the world about his remarkable break through with the cost of this useful energy and the technique of operant conditioning, so that it is no surprise that one day will be manufacturing alternative and conventional energy at a lower cost than fossil fuel. Many other researchers have used conventional energy and are now taking an approach that parallels the process by which humans acquire most of. In an experimental study, alternative energy and conventional energy have shown significant (Alternative energy, 2010) contrasted two techniques, using electricity as their subject. They found that most of the renewable energy usage was significantly more than what they expected. How will mankind benefit from this research? There is considerable evidence that alternative energy have invented creative ideas. One the earliest and most controversial examples involved the Hoover dam of Nevada. Hoover dam, was a break through with hydropower plants which is capable of producing 24 percent of the worlds electricity and supply more than 1 billion people with power (Hydro plants, 1998). Researchers suggested that there was no basis for concluding that alternative energy was going to be the next big thing to happen since the production era Alternative Energy, 2010). Alternative energy was simply looked at another research project to Just do to get paid and never taken seriously until now that is. Other examples are not so easily explained away. Laughlin has suggested that by combining alternative energy and conventional energy will result in a cost effective manner for all of mankind since the discovery of fire (Alternative Energy, 2010). If one could think about all the possibilities of alternative energy and what this means for the future, everyone will know that taking the step into renewable resources can be what everyone will need. It seems as if the way mankind consumes natural resources and of course the daily burning of fossil fuels all result in the idea to expand on alternative energy. Any analyses report will end showing results that are all the same and that is production of alternative energy is what everyone will need, and this need will come so fast that it will get one thinking will there be enough of it when demand rockets sky high? Or is this problem concerning the same problem as conventional energy can we make it? Is alternative energy to solution to the depletion of fossil fuel? The early terms in which recycling can become difficult and easier said than done. However many years of research showed that Environmental Specialist have been through enormous efforts to find ways of acquiring alternative energy. An attempt to keep Hawaii sustainable for our youths of tomorrow depends whether or not everyone will take action to this problem. Factoid #20 did you know that Renewable energy is becoming cost-competitive with fossil fuels in the U.S' (Sustainable, 2010). What are you going to do? Previous attempts at sustainability have seemed to fail yet there is still another chance to take a shot at it again. This change is possible and truly depends on everyones input to this effort. What needs to happen for this to take place, which is simple and that is to ensure that everyone embracing the idea that alternative energy is the way to go. This can be different since some people who figure that it isnt their duty to conserve when the in the past mankind has ruined for others in the future. So therefore they dont feel responsible for what is going on today. However everyone is responsible for others actions because its one world and this means we need to police each other if we want this world to last, to show the future what it was to preserve it. Such as dependency on fossil fuels to operate mainly everything there is in this world. As time goes on we notice the dramatic increase on the depletion of fossil fuels. However there are alternative ways of power besides fossil fuels. In the turn of the century mankind is research with as many alternative energy as possible to reduce carbon emission given off from fossil fuel which adds to the global warming issue. (Sustainable, 2010). Meaning What does it mean to obtain a sustainable future is to ensure the safety of all mankind far and wide. The understanding of a sustainable future is related to like having an Army that will protect you no matter what happens but in this case its more like an Army that everyone must put a piece together to ensure that this Army is stand strong. It can only get stronger the more that mankind adds to it. By adding to it, is to ensure that people conserve and recycle their garbage daily. Such ways are make sure that you separate all metal, plastic, and other waste products in separate containers and dispose of properly. Although everyone will have there own meaning of a sustainable future there is one fact that can be concluded about all these unique definitions and that is that they all comes down to alternative energy. According to Farlex dictionary is states that sustainability is To keep in existence; maintain; to supply with necessities or nourishment; to provide for; to affirm the va lidity of; and to keep up (Farlex Inc, 2010) the natural resources and recycle to reuse. Therefore a sustainable future is stated more or less as a very serious situation in which we all must pay attention to. However as according to Investopedia renewable resources mean, A substance of economic value that can be replaced or replenished in the same amount or less time as it takes to draw the supply down. (Investopia, 2010). Some renewable resources have essentially an endless supply, such as solar energy, wind energy and geothermal pressure, while other resources are considered renewable even though some time or effort must go into their renewal, such as wood, oxygen, leather and fish. Most precious metals are considered renewable as well; even though they are not naturally replaced, they can be recycled because they are not destroyed during their extraction and use.  What are the implications of the usage of alternative energy? Researchers are so impressed that they may help everyone world wide to come to an understanding of alternative energy. Pointing out that majority of the current generation are seeing this problem on daily basis that alternative energy is the way to go because of natural resources being used up quickly. The evolution of energy is on the breaking point and soon everyone will being producing their own renewable energy and who knows what would be next to replace the renewable energy. For example if everyone is using and reproducing it is there going to be problem of conserving it? However there is no explanation for that situation until we know what will happen. So as for now mankind is exposed to the renewable resource and all there is to do is embrace it for what it is. Renewable energy is all around us however it will take a lot to understand that the resources are very obtainable it more of when mankind will want to use it and when they wont depend so much on fossil fuels as much as they did before. Mankind can benefit from all of these researches conducted because due to the fact that all these researches really depend on the geographic locations of where they will be used. Due to the geographic location it can depend on what alternative energy can be produced and used more often than opposed to other locations. For example if a location doesnt naturally have hydro plants and the use of hydro plants are wanted then efforts to obtain resources to make this happen will be difficult and therefore this explains everything about how it depends on the geographic location. Modern day systems allow this unique attribute to take shape, because the technology is available to mankinds use. This understanding is true to know that alternative energy is available to mankind because there is reason to believe alternative energy is going become more valuable to the people of the 20th century then ever before. If this could happen to be know to mankind that alternative energy is something that must be looked upon as an important factor of life then everyone would take this aspect of life much more seriously. Consequences When you think about a more reliable future, there are more efficient ways to go about. However efforts to obtain and conserve the importance of a renewable future have only begun. There are many ways in which many around the world are pitching in to do their deeds to help a bigger cause. Therefore is an on going effort in which the cure has yet to come. The result of this is alternative energy. When mankind depletes natural resources faster than it can be replaced will result in the use of alternative energy (Renewable, 2005). A Sustainable future is one that now mankind are seeking knowing willing that the gases and carbon emission that came from factories in the past have tolled a dramatic affect on todays climates and weather patterns. Many can justify this as another multibillion-dollar project in which taxpayers will end up in the end paying out of their pockets because money is near dead squat just due the economical crisis. Understanding the meaning of conserving to many is just to simply look at the person next to you and say, hey that person isnt recycling or if that person doesnt do why should I do it and others will think that it is just another scam to just people to run crazy about cheaper and better products when in the end they end up paying or more for the same product in which they recycled. Many can say that even if they recycle, use electric instead of gas, or even use renewable energy that the effort will fall shy of its intended goal to universally change the world. However this concept is more gear to a different generation. However these generations that it is geared to are somewhat paying for the dept of the generation that came before them. Take a step back into history when America was in the production period of products, the so-called Manufactured period. In this era production line rained supreme, and anything that was being build was build with chemicals and harmful particles in which at the time wasnt known to the people as the people werent so educated upon the substances being added to toys to cars and even to your everyday values. This understanding comes from many years of research as to where history repeats itself. All throughout the existence of mankind, people never had a grasp on the importance of these harmful additives were going to impact the future. Now that the damage has been inflected in todays society todays generation are now paying the debt from the generation in the past. Considering the changes over the years and how modern technology has globalize and unify the world to come to an understanding that now we need to take a stand and ensure that alternative energy is a key concepts of mankind to survive. Now that generations are being more or well educated upon the sources and procedures they can take to ensure alternate energy is attain, this can ensure a brighter and better future. Such as electric cars, to hybrid cars, and even to hydro cars are one of many examples of how alternative energy can be embraced and be globalized to the modern society. The future has yet to be told and there are many reasons as to why the mankind race is the way they are. Billions of years later and there have been a tremendous expedition towards technology to find better ways of the use of alternative energy. To include all is to know it all many will disagree but to come to an understanding of alternative energy people will need find ways to get themselves well educated with the subject at hand. There are so many programs out there in the efforts of informing the people of the world that a sustainable future is a bright future in which we all can live in. Many today are pushing to find more alternative energy to ensure a better and brighter future for tomorrow. Just like the ethnicities of the world mankind has become so diverse that even in finding ways of alternative energy or renewable energy scientist want to find all or many diverse ways to share the concept of a sustainable future for Hawaii. Hawaii is well known for its natural beauty, and because of its natural beauty a sustainable future is the key to a bright future for tomorrows generation. In another walk of life trying to bring knowledge to the people has proven effective but yet not to complete, due to the fact that not everyone will be informed or educated well enough and just do because its the right thing to do, however to give them glance at what a sustainable environment will look like if one encountered. Many things can be taken out about this and that is no matter what happens there is a meaning for it and why it happened to be that way. No matter what though there hasnt been enough information passed along to ensure that a sustainable future is what we will see. However according the Sustainable Energy Coalition (SEC) brings together more than 60 national and state-level business, environmental, consumer, and energy policy organizations.  Founded in 1992, the Coalition promotes increased federal support for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and reduced federal support for unsafe or polluting energy resources (Sustainable, 2010)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Failure of Software Copyright Law Essay -- Technology Computers Pa
The Failure of Software Copyright Law A Definition With the Copyright Act of 1980, the following was added to the existing copyright laws: A "computer program" is a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result.1 A "program" or "software" instructs the "hardware," the computer, in its task of adding, storing, exchanging data, etc.2 At the base level, a program is simply a mathematical algorithm, a stream of on/off states, which the hardware uses. Copyright and patent law has generally excluded mathematical algorithms from legal protection due to the social benefits of their widespread dissemination.3 Software, however, is primarily protected by copyright law under the premise that an author is entitled to the financial incentive. The debate is this: "Is there a way to protect innovators without strangling further innovation?"4 The Harms of Protection Early makers of computers handed out free accompanying software particular to their machines.5 Their thought was that this would encourage the purchase of their hardware. Soon, however, software producers began to copyright their products and the result was that each computer-maker had incompatible software.6 A company with sufficient lead-time ... ... 58 West's 3d, 10.4. 59 West's Feb. '90, 308. 60 ibid., 422. 61 Menell, 1084. 62 Menell, 1088. 63 Menell, 1087. 64 Menell, 1082. 65 Menell, 1088. 66 Weigner, 137. 67 Menell, 1078. 68 Barinaga, Marcia, "Computer microcode instructions judged within copyright," Nature 16 February 1989: 591. 69 Business Week, 122. 70 Menell, 1060. 71 Hammonds, 86.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Tragedy in Jewish History Essay -- Jewish History
Tragedy in Jewish History The Jews are a people with a multitude of dilemmas. From the Israelite tribes to the prosperous modern day Israel , bigotry towards the Jews has been greatly evident. The Jewish race has acted as Escape Goat for many crisis throughout history including the black plague which swept across Europe in the 14th century. The establishment of Israel was a great incident was something the Jewish people were striving to obtain for generations. This, however, led to four major conflicts between Israel and the Arab countries. One of the most meaningful wars was the Six-Day War. Events such as the holocaust have also had a dramatic effect on world history and whose mysteries are still being unravelled. For twelve years following 1933 the Jews were persecuted by the Nazi's. Jewish businesses were boycotted and vandalized. By 1939,Jews were no longer citizens,could not attend public schools,engage in practically any business or profession, own any land, associate with any non-Jew or visit public places such as parks and museums. The victories of the German armies in the early years of World War II brought the majority of European Jewry under the Nazis. The Jews were deprived of human rights. The Jewish people were forced to live in Ghetto's which were separated from the main city. Hitler's plan of genocide was carried out with efficiency. The total number of Jews exterminated has been calculated at around 5,750,000. In Warsaw ,where approximately 400,000 Jews had once been concentrated,was reduced to a population of 60,000. they, virtually unarmed, resisted the German deportation order and had held back the regular German troops equipped with flame throwers,armou... ...ed it to its rightful owners , Israel. As is clearly visible through these few examples the Jewish race have had a very trailing history. This however is only a small representation of the rest of the Jewish problems. War , for example, is still present. In 1991 in the Persian Gulf Israel was continuously bombed by Iraq. If Israel would have fought back chances are there would have had most of the Arabian countries join in with Iraq to eliminate the common enemy. Therefore the problems are yet not resolved yet it seems there is never a perfect solution to any problem. Bibliography 1. Holocaust : the Jewish tragedy Gilbert,Martin, COLLI 1986 2. Israel & the Arabs: The June 1967 War Facts on file, INC. New York, N.Y. 1968 3. The Holocaust in Historical Perspective Yehuda Bauer University of Washington Press 1978
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Admissions to Honors Program
I have personally chosen to study at Saddleback College as it is of much convenience to me in both social and economic aspects. Besides, your curriculum is among the best in the region offering quality education. I am looking forward to being admitted for honors in Saddleback College and make my childhood dreams of pursuing higher education a reality.I believe that in order to transform and bring change in the society and hence the global society as a whole, there is need to understand and explore the integrative disciplines pertaining to my field of study. I am sure that I will gain a lot of knowledge, which will be useful in expanding my vision in my area of interest.Besides, completion of honors program in Saddleback will be an opening opportunity for joining a reputable university such as University of California. My ultimate goal is to excel academically and pursue a degree and later a doctorate. My college GPA is satisfactory as I have an average of 3.8 out of the recommended 3 .2. Thus, my performance is exceptionally good.Saddleback College has presented me with a new environment where I met new challenges. Though at first I perceived these challenges as an obstacle to achieving my dream goal, I have now come to appreciate them because they have prepared me for similar or more complex challenges that I expect to encounter during my future studies and life.The skills and knowledge that will be acquired through the program will open an opportunity to explore my area of study to the maximum. Consequently, my ultimate goal of becoming a resourceful person in the society will be realized. I always believe in myself and I have never let anything come on the way of my success. I am the kind of person who is ready to give up his happiness for the sake of long term goals.With the knowledge and experiences from work that I have gained from internship, I have been able to develop different skills to relate theoretical knowhow acquired in class to real life situatio n as well as enhancing my skills in critical and innovative thinking not to mention communication skills.The experiences that I have had in the past have opened my perspective in different areas. Being a student, I have realized the importance of team work in accomplishing important goals in a project. I also developed research skills that I believe will be useful in undertaking my honors and hence taking a degree, masters and even a doctorate in a top university.I have always worked hard and with passion in pursuit for excellence, which enabled me overcome the all the challenges that stood on my way. Throughout my school life starting from junior school through college, I have never given up the battle for excellence. I have always challenged my ultimate goal something, which has helped me, not only achieve academically but also thrive in real life.The leadership skills that I have developed over the years within the various societies and clubs in school have presented me with an o pportunity to deal with different issues. The skills have also initiated self-confidence and self esteem that are important in facing life issues. I am also disciplined and flexible capable of tolerating those who share opposing ideas.I am willing to undergo any sort of training that will enable me to secure a place for honors in saddleback College. I have encountered several challenges in my studies which have helped me discover my potential, strengths and weakness hence will comfortably handle my new course. For instance, during my high school years, I lost my grandfather and a very close friend which disrupted my studies. Even though I did not get a good score, I was able to catch up with life and since then things have been fine.The event helped me to discover my strength of enduring hardships and turning them into opportunities. I am sure that being part of the institution will open further opportunities in advancing my knowledge in a reputable university.The cultural diversity in saddleback has been an important aspect in shaping my perspective to life. The social interaction has been a great experience, which has been a mind opener to the broader world. The well established information technology in the college also presented me with sufficient knowledge and skills that I believe are useful in partaking an honors.My hard work and dedication have always been my foundation for excellence not only in academics, but also in accomplishing other demands in life. I have well developed problem solving skills that are critical in pursuing education and dealing with the various situations in life. Ultimately, I believe in myself with a self driven ambition that has got me this far.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Nick in the opening chapter of “The Great Gatsby†Essay
Nick Carraway is the narrator of â€Å"The Great Gatsby†. He begins the novel by talking about himself: he says that he is very tolerant, and has a tendency to reserve judgment. The opening paragraphs teach us a lot about Nick and his attitude toward Gatsby and others. Nick introduces himself to us as a young man from the Midwest who has come East to learn. He tells us that he’s tolerant, inclined to reserve judgment about people, and a good listener. People tell him their secrets because they admire and trust him. If you read closely, you’ll see that Nick has an uncertain feeling toward Gatsby, almost as if he himself (who knows the story and its ending) doesnt know what to expect. From the novel’s opening paragraph onward, this will continue create tension in Nick’s narrative. He both loves Gatsby and is critical of him. He hates Gatsby’s crass and vulgar attitude, but he also admires the man for his aspirations. Specifically, Gatsbys â€Å"romantic readiness,†and his â€Å"extraordinary gift for hope.†The reader realises that Gatsby presented, and still presents, a challenge or opposition to the way in which Nick is accustomed to thinking about the world. It is clear from the story’s opening moments that Gatsby is not quite how he appears on the outside. Despite being vulgar, Nick describes Gatsby’s personality as â€Å"gorgeous.†The novel’s characters are obsessed by class and privilege. Its the high-class lives that intrigue the common man, an idea which continues today with the footballers wives culture. Our first view of Tom Buchanan shows a powerful man standing in riding clothes with his legs apart on his front porch. The riding clothes are a classic symbol or high-status. Tom exploits his status. He is horrible, completely lacking positive aspects. His wife describes him as a â€Å"big, hulking physical specimen,†and he seems to use his size to dominate others. The fact that Daisy chooses to comment on his size rather than personality insinuates that there is nothing good about his personality to comment on. We are ushered into the living room with its â€Å"frosted wedding cake†ceiling, its wine coloured rug, and its enormous sofa on which are seated two women in white. They are Jordan Baker and Tom’s wife, Daisy Buchanan. Fitzgerald controls the whole scene through his use of colours. White and gold suggest a combination of beauty, cleanliness, innocence and wealth. Underneath this picturesque surface there is something wrong. Jordan is bored and unamused. She yawns a few times. There is something slightly unpleasant about the atmosphere. The telephone rings, and Tom is called from the room to answer it. When Daisy follows him out, Jordan Baker confides to Nick that the call is from Tom’s woman in New York. Daisy Buchanan stands in contrast to her husband. She is frail and shy, and actually doesnt seem completely shallow. She laughs at every opportunity. This makes me wonder if its an awkward laugh, perhaps she doesnt feel she belongs there? Though she remarks that everything is in decline, she does so only in order to seem to agree with her husband. The visual purity of Daisy and Jordan stands in contrast to their actual decadence and corruption. Nick arrives home, and gets his first glimpse of Gatsby. Gatsby is standing on the lawn, stretching out â€Å"his arms toward the dark water in a curious way.†Nick believes that he can see Gatsby trembling. As Nick looks out at the water, he can see â€Å"†¦nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock.†Bibliography -F Scott Fitzgerald, ‘The Great Gatsby’ Ch. 1
Sunday, September 15, 2019
History of the Old Testament Essay
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. I. Historical context of Isaiah 7:14-16 The historical setting is critical to the account since the prophet supplies it and the oracle draws on its timing. With a close study of the events referred to we may date the oracle in this chapter to 734 B. C. (Ross,Allen) It was when the ruthless Assyrian conqueror, on the throne is Tiglathpileser III, a ruthless and powerful king was terrorizing the all other nations, and Judah, unwilling to join in a coalition against him, was attacked by Israel and Syria, the ancient Aramaea , with its main city in Damascus, and Ephraim, the northern Israelite state, with its main city Samaria and therefore, King Ahaz when he heard of this coalition was thinking seriously of inviting Assyrian help(Tiglathpileser III). It must be pointed out that the whole purpose was to dissuade King Ahaz from embarking a wrong course of action, namely, that of relying upon Assyria rather than upon the Lord. In the name of Jehovah, it was this moment the prophet commences with a historical announcement. Isaiah 7:1 says It came to pass, in the days of Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin the king of Aramaea, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it, and could not make war against it. The Syrian king Rezin had come up against Jerusalem and with him was Pekah of Israel. Their purpose was to wage war, but unable to besiege it the prophecy of the chapter is amazingly accurate. The sign that a boy was about to be born is the pivotal point. Before he would be old enough to tell right from wrong, that is, about 12 years old, the enemies would not only be defeated but cease to exist. According to history, Shalmaneser V (the successor to Tiglathpileser) campaigned against the land and besieged Samaria. He died in the duration and was succeeded by Sargon II who completed the destruction of the northern state in 722 or 721 B. C. So the oracle in Isaiah 7 could be dated about twelve years before that destruction in 722 B. (Ross, Allen ) II. Literary Context of Isaiah 7:14-16 Therefore the Lord Himself give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. The word therefore signifies that something had taken place before the incident forwarded here in verse 14, and inasmuch as the wicked king in hypocritical fashion rejects the opportunity of asking for a sign, then he lost the privilege of asking a sign in his own favor. Instead the Lord Himself will give a sign, and this one of His own choosing, announcing the birth of a wondrous Child as the sign of deliverance, and making the infancy of that Child the measure of the time that Judah is yet to suffer affliction, before the time of deliverance will come. Yet as we have seen because of Ahaz’ unbelief after the comfortable promises made to him as a branch of the house of David, what took place was a terrible threatening against him, as a degenerate branch of that house; for though the God was patience and His loving kindness shall not be utterly taken away, for the sake of David and the covenant made with, yet his inequity shall be dealt with the rod, and his sin with stripes. In fulfillment of the prophecy, the Egyptians and the Assyrians filled the land in their war with each other. Devastation from this war severely tested the people, so that nothing grew in the fields, and the survivors had to rely on curds and honey. This led up to and included the invasion of 701 B. C. under Sennacherib, the next Assyrian king, when Hezekiah was on the throne in Jerusalem, and 200,000 people from Judah were carried off into captivity. As we shall see, the details of the Assyrian crisis are very accurately prophesied in these oracles (Ross, Allen_______& Young, E. J. 1993). III. Commentary on Isaiah 7:14-16 Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Since the King did not ask for a sign that the land shall be delivered from the enemies, Yahweh will furnish one unasked. Yahweh will not withhold it because a proud and contemptuous King refuses to seek it. The LORD himself, He will do it and not hindered though it is rejected and despised; he will do it because of its necessity – for the welfare of the nation, and for the confirmation of his religion, to furnish a demonstration to the people that he is the only true God. It is clearly implied here, that the emphasis is that the sign should be such as Yahweh alone could give. If this refers to the birth of a child, then it means that this was an event which could be known only to God, and which could be accomplished only by his agency. If it refers to the miraculous conception and birth of the Messiah, then it means that that was an event which none but God could accomplish. Shall give you, primarily refers to the house of David; the king and royal family of Judah. It was especially designed to assure the government that the kingdom would be safe. Doubtless, however, the word ‘you’ is designed to include the nation, or the people of the kingdom of Judah. It would be so public a sign, and so clear a demonstration, as to convince them that their city and land must be ultimately safe. A sign, a pledge; a token; an evidence of the fulfillment of what is predicted. The word does not, of necessity, denote a miracle, though it is often so applied; see the notes at Isaiah 7:11. But rather it means a proof, a demonstration, a certain indication that what he had said should come to its fulfillment. Behold this interjection serves to designate persons and things; places and actions. It is used in lively descriptions, and animated discourse; or when anything unusual was said, or occurred; it means, that an event was to occur which demanded the attention of the unbelieving King, and the regard of the people-an event which would be a full demonstration of what the prophet had said. A virgin, it is used in its obvious natural sense, to denote a young, unmarried female. The derivatives are applied to youth; to young men; to young women-to those who â€Å"are growing up,†and becoming youths. This virgin as used in his word properly means a girl, maiden, virgin, a young woman who is unmarried, and who is of marriageable age. And shall call his name, it was usual for â€Å"mothers†to give names to their children. The idea is, it is the â€Å"appropriate†name that would be given to the child. Although another name was also given to this child, expressing substantially the same thing, with a circumstantial difference. Immanuel a Hebrew name which means ‘God with us’ – the name is designed to denote that God would be with the nation as its protector, and the birth of this child would be a sign or pledge of it. The name, Immanuel, denotes nothing more than divine aid and protection. Others have supposed, however, that the name must denote the assumption of our nature by God in the person of the Messiah, that is, that God became man. The true interpretation is, that no argument to prove that can be derived from the use of the name; but when the fact of the incarnation has been demonstrated from other sources, the â€Å"name is appropriately expressive of that event. ( Barnes, 1997). Isaiah 7:15 He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. (NASV) Young( ), showed that the infancy of the promised Messiah is made the measure of the time that Judah will be in danger from her two enemies. This thought namely, namely the duration of a period of difficulty, is expressed symbolically in that Immanuel iws pictured as subsisting during His infancy on curds and honey, which was symbolical royal diet. From the time of His birth, supposedly, the Child will eat this peculiar food, and at the time when He can discern between good and evil, rejecting the one and choosing the other, He will be eating these things. At an early age a child learns to reject evil and to choose good, or at least to distinguish between the two. Thus, by means of this measure, we learn that the affliction or desolation of the two enemy kings is short-lived, possibly only two or three years. The reference may be to what is injurious or useful in life but in the light of the usage of this phrase in Genesis 2, it clearly refers also to what is morally good and evil. Isaiah 7:16 For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. (NASV) The land that you dread, the land concerning which thou art so much â€Å"alarmed or distressed;†that is, the united land of Syria and Ephraim. Refers to one land, because they were united then in a firm alliance, so as to constitute, in fact, or for the purposes of invasion and conquest, one people or nation. The phrase, ‘which you dread,’ means properly, which thou loathes, the primary idea of the word – being to feel a nausea, or to throw up. It then means to fear, or to feel alarm; and this, probably, is the meaning here. Ahaz, however, evidently looked upon the nations of Syria and Samaria with disgust, as well as with alarm. The meaning of the â€Å"land†is that the kings themselves were the objects of dislike or dread; and not merely that the two kings should be removed, but that the land itself was threatened with desolation. This construction is an exegetical kind which agrees with the idiom of the Hebrew. (Barnes, 1993) IV Summary of Isaiah 7:14-16 As a summary of these three verses it was shown that in verse 14 Isaiah made a proclamation that the Lord will give a sign. This seeing of the virgin is not with with the physical eyes, Isaiah have not seen the Messiah in His physical birth, but in vision. In vision, then, the prophet beholds the virgin with child. An in the birth of this son, the presence of God is manifest in a most unique way. The fourteenth verse constitutes a sure and a definite fulfillment of the prophecy of the birth of Immanuel. With verse 15 the prophet proceeds to show that the infancy of the Messiah a symbolical representation of the fact that the threat which overhung Judah would be short-lived. This he does by picturing the child in vision eating royal food (according to commentator Young – which I prefer to use in this summary). The child will eat this food, symbol of threat and desolation; yet before He reaches the age where He knows the difference between good and evil, the two kings which Ahaz dreads will forsake the land of Israel, and there will be nothing more for him to fear from them. The prophetical naming of this child having thus had its accomplishment, no doubt this, which was further added concerning him, should have its accomplishment likewise, that Syria and Israel should be deprived of both their kings. One mercy from God encourages us to hope for another, if it engages us to prepare for another. BIBLIOGRAPHY Barnes’ Notes, Barnes and Nobles Commentary. Electronic Database. (Copyright (c) 1997 by Biblesoft) Ross, Allen. â€Å"A Call for Faith and the Sign for Emmanuel†. Bible. Org < http://www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=2088> Young, E. J. â€Å"The Book of Isaiah: A Commentary†. (Michigan:William B. Eerdsman Publishing Company, 1993)
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